Breastfeeding Support
NEW Breastfeeding Peer Support Service Now Available
HappyMOMents Breastfeeding Support
Our UNICEF qualified Breastfeeding Supporters are here to help you.
If you are struggling with breastfeeding at any point, please click the button below to complete our support request form. One of our Breastfeeding Supporters will be in touch. (Expect a callback between 9-6pm, Sunday- Friday)
Locala Health Visiting
Locala have a host of resources on their website including Breastfeeding information and helplines, tips on Breastfeeding/Hand Expressing/Bottle Feeding
Other organisations that can help
National Breastfeeding Helpline Breastfeeding information and support are available 9.30 am to 9.30 pm every day of the year.
The Breastfeeding Network supporter line in Bengali and Sylheti: 0300 456 2421
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers 0300 330 5453
La Leche League 0345 120 2918
National Childbirth Trust (NCT) 0300 330 0700
Families And Babies Or see their Facebook Group Wakefield
Courses & Additional Information
1. New to breastfeeding or need a refresher?
This free online course will help you understand the physiology of breastfeeding and how to cope with some of the challenges that can arise.
2. Breastfeeding is a family effort!
Share this information with the lucky grandparents who can help you to breastfeed your baby too.
3. Nipple shields
Use with caution as they can reduce your supply, so read this article and remember to pump to keep your supply up. More advice here.
4. Feeling Sore?
There are many things you can try:
Hind Milk - the thick creamy milk that you produce towards the end of a feeding. Simply rub a little into the sore skin after each feeding. It’s natural, safe for baby, and it's free!
Organic Raw Coconut Oil - No need to wipe away before feeds
Organic Olive Oil - You probably have some in your kitchen (just wash away excess before feeds)
Nipple Creams - Ardo Care Balm Nipple Cream (Vegan and highly recommended) or Lansinoh HPA Lanolin Cream
Honey - Apply Manuka or Pure Unrefined Honey between feeds. Must be washed off before nursing
Air Dry - Wear a loose top to let your nipples breathe between feeds
Check Latch - Make sure your baby is latching well. Get help if needed.
5. Need a Breastpump?
Ardo Calypso pumps are easy to use, safe to use from before birth and the only pump that is a closed system so you can resell and pass the pump on safely when you are done with it.
Locala can loan you an electric Ardo Calypso pump (single or double). Call 03003045555 to request this service.
Alternatively, purchase your own Ardo pump either from the Ardo website.
6. Useful Social media accounts to support breastfeeding:
Mother.Shaheda - Breastfeeding Specialist Midwife
The Breastfeeding Network
7. Translated resources:
Easy-to-read leaflets about breastfeeding support in Arabic, Bengali, Hindi, Lithuanian, Mandarin,
Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian and Urdu
Benefits of Breastfeeding
Infant Health
Children who are breastfed for longer periods have higher intelligence, fewer infections, fewer dental problems, reduced morbidity and mortality, and are less likely to be overweight or diabetic in later life. Read More...
Maternal Health
Breastfeeding supports the mother-baby relationship and the mental health of both the baby and the mother
Relationship Building
Breastfeeding supports the mother-baby relationship and the mental health of both the baby and the mother
Worldwide Benefits
The benefits are seen in both high- and low-income countries, with a study published in The Lancet in 2016 finding that increasing breastfeeding rates around the world to near-universal levels could prevent 823,000 annual deaths in children younger than five years and 20,000 annual maternal deaths from breast cancer
Did You Know..?
Before your milk comes in, in the first few days after birth, your breasts make a thick, sticky, yellowish fluid sometimes referred to as “liquid gold.”
Called colostrum, this liquid has the calcium, potassium, proteins, minerals, and antibodies your baby needs. Your baby needs only a few teaspoons to feel full and stay healthy until your milk flow increases, about two to five days after birth.
Your breastmilk changes during a feeding session:
When your baby first starts to nurse, your milk is a watery bluish color. Toward the end of the feeding session, your baby gets to thicker, fattier milk, which gives your baby the calories needed to grow healthy and strong.
Breastmilk heals:
Breastmilk is filled with special components that help fight infection and cut down on swelling in the breast. So if your breasts are sore those first few days, gently massaging some of your milk into your nipples and breasts can soothe the soreness and speed up recovery.
Increasing breastfeeding worldwide could prevent over 800,000 child deaths and 20,000 deaths from breast cancer every year
Not breastfeeding costs the global economy around US $302 billion every year. (The Lancet. 2016)
WHO & Unicef Recommend..
- Early initiation of breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth;
- Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life; and
- Introduction of nutritionally adequate and safe complementary (solid) foods at 6 months together with continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond.
Breastfeeding Initiation
Breastfeeding initiation in England is 75%
Breastfeeding at 6 months
In the UK less than 3% of children are exclusively breastfed at 6 months (world average 44%)
Breastfeeding at 1 year
And only 1% of children are
breastfed at 12 months (the lowest rate in the world)