StoryMOMents Stay&Play

Fun, interactive sessions based on a different book each week

Early learning and development opportunities shape our children's brains; the more they play, the more they learn!

Our Stay&Play sessions are themed around a carefully selected book of the day. This includes exciting craft activities, exploratory construction play and fun sensory play to nurture your little one's motor and communication skills.

We weave the story with rhymes and Makaton signing to support early language development.  Our experienced team are trained in phonics, Makaton and so much more to help you give your little one the best start to their learning journey in a fun way. 

Stay and Play sessions are perfect for your wellbeing too; meet other moms and share your parenting stories & experiences whilst enjoying our specialist sensory room and early learning resources to support you and your little ones. 

What are you waiting for? Come and join us!



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