Become part of The HappyMOMents Team.

Looking for a career in Early Years, Teaching or working with children?
Volunteer with us to gain the experience you need to secure the career you want.
Our stay and play and sensory classes will provide you with hands on experience of activities with children and families.
Fill in the form below to apply

Your feedback...
Volunteering with happy moments and doing various courses with them has helped me improve my confidence.
I attended the Makaton courses and an Islamic psychology course. It helped with my CV as it showed the qualifications I received and the skills from that course helped towards job searching as in my career (I now) work with vulnerable children and it helped with showing my understanding of the needs they could face mentally and support them through it.
Happymoments volunteer
As a volunteer for HappyMoments, I have been able to improve on lots of key areas.
Enrolling on various courses and training has helped boost my personal development.
Courses like Makaton, first aid and mental health have also enabled me in my personal life by putting into practice what I have learnt throughout.
My confidence has grown massively due to being a part of the team.
For this I am grateful.
I have definitely grown a lot in confidence! Being able to talk to other mums and open up with our feelings along with theirs has been great. It's been so lovely just to know we mums are not alone in facing the different challenges we have to put up with our children.
It's so lovely and rewarding to see other mums benefiting with their children in everything from playgroups to the C&C sessions etc.